Parent Consultation Booking

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To make an appointment please click on the link below

Login by entering the requested information, and then use the Booking Wizard to make your appointment/s.

You will need to enter:

  • Your title (Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms) and surname
  • Your child’s first name, surname and date of birth

Please note: The login details you enter must match those we have on record for you. If you have not alerted the school to any relevant name changes, we will be expecting you to login with the details you gave us originally.

One you have logged in, we suggest you use the ‘Booking Wizard@ to make your appointments, although a manual booking option (one booking at a time, one child at a time) also exists. In the Booking Wizard, you will be shown your child/children and all their teachers. Toggling between your children will show each child’s teacher. Tick the teacher(s) you wish to book (there’s a ‘Select All’ link0 and enter your availability at the bottom of the page. The wizard will use this information to calculate the best order for your appointments to help you visit teachers in the quickest manner possible.


  • If you cannot log in and have tried all the combinations you think we have on file, please contact the school office using the link below.

  • The email address you can enter is only used to receive a confirmation of your appointment. It will not be used as a login check. Your email address is never the reason you cannot log in.
  • If you have several children to make bookings for, and decide not to use the Booking Wizard, you can make appointments one by one using the ‘manual booking’ method. Use the ‘Change Child’ button on the blue bar (above the school name at the top of the web page) to swap between your children.
  • If you are unable to book appointments at home, please contact the school office for help, using the link above or telephone 0131 556 7128.