Nursery to P1

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Early Level: Nursery to P1

Curriculum for Excellence describes experiences and outcomes for children’s learning in ways which have supported a more active, play-based approach to learning and teaching. In St Mary’s early years, our curriculum is very child-centred and inclusive, taking into consideration the interests of all our learners and linking them to the experiences and outcomes for the subject areas of Curriculum for Excellence. Our learners will have opportunities to engage in rich learning experiences through a play-based active approach allowing for a balance of adult led, adult initiated and child led experiences, encouraging independence and choice. The early years classrooms will be busy, exciting places, where children are motivated to become successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors. 

In literacy, learners will explore sounds, letters and words discovering how they work together and using what they learn to read and write. In Primary one we follow the structured approach of the Literacy Rich Edinburgh Phonics Programme. The children are exposed to two/three sounds a week and differentiation occurs during teaching time. Much of this occurs through active, play based games and activities, which encourage focused listening and an emphasis on phonological awareness. Our learners are introduced to the cursive script and are given opportunities to practise in fun, imaginative ways. 

In numeracy we begin our SEAL (stages of arithmetical learning) journey to help our learners develop a deeper understanding of numeracy and the ability to explain their thinking and strategies more clearly. Through active games and activities our learners will develop their number recognition and counting skills, number bonds to ten and an early understanding of multiplication and division. 

Pupils at this stage will have opportunities to visit our purposeful playroom to further develop their learning in a fun play-based environment. Lots of high levels of engagement as the children build on their critical thinking and problem-solving skills, curiosity and imagination, social and emotional development and communication and motor skills.  

 A highlight in our early years is having the opportunity to work with our P7 buddies. The P7 children support our pupils as they begin their journey at St Mary’s, helping to ensure there is a smooth transition from nursery into school. There are lots of opportunities to work alongside one another playing games, reading and participation in lots of fun, creative activities in the classroom.